Prime Timers Victoria

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

(Listing updated over 1 year ago.)

Victoria Prime Timers are gay or bisexual men who enrich their social lives, engage in diverse activities, and enjoy opportunities and friendships with other Prime Timers throughout the world.

Prime Timers Victoria is one of approximately 45 chapters affiliated with Primer Timers Worldwide, Inc. The first chapter began in 1987 by Woody Baldwin in Boston when he discovered, almost by accident, that there was great interest expressed by gay and bisexual men for an organization to meet their social, educational and recreational needs.

Prime Timers Victoria had its beginnings in late 1991 with the first election of officers in March 1992. General membership meetings are normally held on the fourth Sunday of each month (except Summer months) at the James Bay United Church Hall on 511 Michigan St., Victoria.

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