Site News
Event attendees
Posted Aug 11, 2019 6:06PM EDT
On events’ pages, you'll now find a link you can click to let everyone know if you'll be there. You'll then appear on the list of attendees on the event's page and the event will be listed on your profile. Please click and let us know if you'll be part of the group; it'll be great when we can meet each other face-to-face and not just online. 🙂
Speaking for myself and my partner, we'll be at the Prime Timers Labor Day Weekend in Oklahoma City and the convention in San Antonio. Looking forward to meeting anyone who can come out and join the fun.
Importing image ratings
Posted Aug 09, 2019 1:33PM EDT
Image ratings are now being imported. If you rated a picture on the old site, your rating should appear here, and if you rated it three stars or higher, it should appear in your favorites on your profile.
List of who liked
Posted Aug 09, 2019 10:26AM EDT
Each picture’s page now has a list of who liked it. Please keep rating pictures so we can see more of this in action.
Collections of favorite pictures
Posted Aug 09, 2019 9:58AM EDT
Images rated with more than two stars now appear on your profile. (See mine for an example.)
Image ratings
Posted Aug 08, 2019 7:08PM EDT
I've just added ratings for pictures on the site. A few caveats:
- Ratings are currently showing only on the picture's dedicated page (found, for example, by clicking "More information..." in a photo gallery).
- Due to bug, ratings only show up when the page is reloaded. A note on the page alerts you to this.
- I'm not yet doing anything with the ratings. You'll soon be able to sort images by popularity and see the images you and others have rated on your profile pages, but for now the average rating just shows on the picture's page.
- I haven't started porting existing ratings from the old site yet.
This is another feature I quickly half-completed to have it out in time for tomorrow's newsletter. 😀 Even though you don't get much for the effort right now, I'd appreciate it if you take the time to rate some pictures so we have more data to work with this weekend.
Thanks to all for the help and encouragement,
Menu fixed
Posted Aug 01, 2019 6:30PM EDT
The drop-down menu at the top of each page was broken for a few days. It should be working now.
Short downtime
Posted Jul 30, 2019 9:41AM EDT
The site will be down for a few minutes this morning for a database migration.
Update: We’re back online. Let us know if you spot any problems.
Messaging system
Posted Jul 25, 2019 10:06PM EDT
OlderGay.Men members can send each other messages now. I've been working hard on a messaging system and still have features to add – most importantly, email notifications of new messages are failing in production, so I've turned them off for now – but the basics are in place. You'll find a form on each member's page you can use to drop him a line and a "Messages" link in the site's menu to take you to your inbox.
I rushed to get this out in time for Friday's newsletter, so it's not been formally tested. Let me know if you spot any problems. Hope you enjoy it!
Pages loading partway down
Posted Jul 20, 2019 10:05AM EDT
I believe I've fixed the bug which caused some pages to load partway down the page. If you still see pages that don't load at the top of the page, let me know.
Profile information
Posted Jul 08, 2019 9:35AM EDT
We have enough real users now that I removed the automatically-generated ones. In the process of creating test data, your profile may have had a nonsense description added and a random location assigned. You can fix it by clicking "Edit profile" on your profile page or "Settings" from the menu on any page (in both the dropdown menu at the top and the menu at the bottom).
And while you're at it, upload a profile photo if you haven’t already! We'd love to see your smiling face. Or smiling whatever. 😉