Cafe Spund

Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

(Listing updated about 1 year ago.)

Please note: This listing hasn't been updated in over a year. Double-check that its information is still correct, and please let us know if you find changes we should make. Thank you!

The "Spund" at Mohlenhofstraße 3, 20095 Hamburg, is the oldest gay café in Germany.
Opened in 1974, it has been a popular meeting place for more than 45 years, even beyond the scene.

Under new management since September 2019, the café is characterized not only by the cozy atmosphere but also by its cozy winter garden with new furniture and a view of the countryside.
This is not to be found very often in Hamburg city center and is very popular with many guests.
The café is gay orientated, but the clientele is very mixed.
Even many celebrities such as Barbara Valentin and even Freddy Mercury were guests here in the 1980s.


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