Stonewall Gardens

Palm Springs, California, United States

(Listing updated about 1 year ago.)

Please note: This listing hasn't been updated in over a year. Double-check that its information is still correct, and please let us know if you find changes we should make. Thank you!

Our passion is to create an environment where your well-being is at the center of everything we do. Stonewall Gardens offers a wide range of services designed to meet you or your loved one’s unique needs.

Located in the vibrant uptown neighborhood of Palm Springs, the 24-unit community is operated by Northstar Senior Living.
Our on-site nurse will monitor your health and wellness.
Our 24-hour, experienced staff lends a hand in daily living activities such as medication management, dressing, grooming, bathing and personal assistance.
We recognize each resident's social, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual needs.
Enjoy our chef's delicious meals - prepared to meet your unique dietary needs.
Community outings include theater, music, shopping, restaurants and creative arts.
Semi-private and private apartment patios promote community, while our outdoor spaces provide open-air dining and exercise locations, and a quiet, peaceful environment.
Stonewall Gardens is pet-friendly - because your pets are your family.


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