Prime Timers Central Iowa

Des Moines, Iowa, United States

(Listing updated 4 days ago.)

Membership in Prime Timers Central Iowa (PTCI) is open to any gay or bisexual man twenty-one (21) years of age or older who is in accord with the principles and policies of Prime Timers and who pays the membership fee. All events are non-smoking. All are welcome to attend and we particularly encourage visitors to join us!

2ND MONDAY 9:00 AM : Breakfast at Corner Cafe’, 3017 100th Street, Urbandale 50322.
3RD SUNDAY : PTCI Monthly Potluck with locations to be announced on Facebook.
4TH MONDAY 9:00 AM : Breakfast at Corner Cafe’, 3017 100th Street, Urbandale 50322.

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