Announcements: Issues
Posted Jan 27, 2025 9:29PM EST
OlderGay.Men turned 29 last Friday. I didn't get around to commemorating it in the newsletter that day, so here's something to celebrate:
I added a public bug tracker at Like most pages on the site, each issue's page will have an "Add a comment" button if you're logged in, so please use them if you find something that might help (or just want to commiserate with other members waiting for a fix).
I have a stack of requests piled up; I hope this will make the work more visible and let me communicate better with everyone. It's plugged into our GitHub issues, showing any I label as "public" (no one else needs to hear about ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column "users_count" does not existLINE 1: ...scourse_user_groups" SET "users_count" = COALESCE("users_cou...). Tracking problems there will be better for me, too. GitHub has good tools for creating branches related to issues and resolving the issues on commit, so I should be able to work faster through the backlog.
I'll keep moving bug reports into this public forum. If you're experiencing a problem you don't see there, let us know, and we'll get it in the queue.
Thanks and Happy Anniversary,