Aux freres de la cote - The Brothers of the Coast

Québec, Québec, Canada

(Listing updated almost 2 years ago.)

Please note: This listing hasn't been updated in over a year. Double-check that its information is still correct, and please let us know if you find changes we should make. Thank you!

Originally, the Brothers of the Coast were buccaneers and filibusters, followers of total freedom. Being all part of the same community, they shared so much the risks, the tasks and the spoils collected on their way.

The Brothers of the Coast are equal to each other. The “Chasse-partie” agreement, which regulates the sharing of loot at each operation, provides for a part to compensate the wounded. Once this contract has been signed, the crew members work in pairs to help each other in the event of illness or injury.

Brothers! To your glasses! To all these urban barbarians who have rubbed shoulders with us for moons, this free world which always pushes the limits of speech, creativity, movement, thought and pleasure, you, the brothers of the coast.

Since the restaurant opened in 1989, our team has relied on the quality of its know-how and the loyalty of our customers. We are close to people and we want to share our passion.

For 30 years, we have been writing our history. We build ourselves day after day with the imprint of the past. We offer a spirit of sharing and collaboration through our personality. Les Frères de la Côte is a refuge where everyone is welcome.


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