Carefree Cove

Zionville, North Carolina, United States

(Listing updated about 1 year ago.)

Please note: This listing hasn't been updated in over a year. Double-check that its information is still correct, and please let us know if you find changes we should make. Thank you!

Developed in 2000 as an LGBT community, Carefree Cove has changed with the times and while most residents are LGBT, we have become more inclusive.

Set in an idyllic forest in the Blue Ridge Mountains of northwestern North Carolina, the Cove is near Tennessee and Virginia. The area, known as the High Country, is a magnet for people from the eastern third of the country who enjoy winter sports, three seasons of water sports, year-round hiking, and a vibrant arts community.

Carefree Cove residents enjoy a member-maintained hiking trail, a community garden, picturesque water features and rustic architecture nestled among the 165-acre site. Several residents interact with local organizations that appeal to a variety of interests – book clubs, musical groups, spas, and gyms – the opportunities are limitless. Many of our residents volunteer in local organizations to enhance the quality of life for our Appalachian neighbors.


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