GAY CLUB Explosio

Osaka, Osaka, Japan

(Listing updated over 1 year ago.)

Please note: This listing hasn't been updated in over a year. Double-check that its information is still correct, and please let us know if you find changes we should make. Thank you!

This is GAY CLUB Explosion in Osaka!

Various events are held on Saturdays, the day before public holidays, etc.
Please check the event schedule for details on each event.

On days other than events, it is a bar that does not require a cover charge.
Anyone is welcome to come to the store, regardless of sexuality. (Alcohol 700 yen ~, soft drinks 500 yen ~)

Hours: 20: 00-4: 00 (Saturday and the day before public holidays vary depending on the event)

Regular holiday: Tuesday (excluding event dates).


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