Sauna Apollion

Roma, Lazio, Italy

(Listing updated about 1 year ago.)

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The Apollion Sauna, founded in 1994, is located in the heart of Rome, a three-minute walk from Gay Street and the Colosseum. It is in a strategic location, easily accessible from Termini Station, only a nine-minute walk away.
The Association is a cultural meeting point and gathering place for Romans and Italians from all regions, but also an international level meeting place, frequented by tourists from all over the world.
It is located in the cellars of an old palace from the early 1900s, where a magical architecture of arches reigns that will project you into the past and make you relive the ancient Rome of the gladiators.

The facilities available to members are numerous: Finnish sauna, steam room, hot tub, relaxation areas with large cabins, bar, video rooms, glory hole, dark room,
smoking room and lockers with security keys.
In addition, the Association has a massage service operating daily with qualified massage therapists and experts in the world of wellness.
The hot tub is enclosed under a brick dome to give a lot of privacy and create an atmospheric environment.
Wandering around the various rooms of the Association will feel like you are walking in the basement of a Rome of ancient times.
The Apollion Sauna offers the opportunity to get to know different cultures and create new friendships and build new relationships.
The Association is a safe place to spend afternoons amidst steam and bubbles.


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