CMEN Northern California Gathering

Auburn, California, United States of America

(7 months ago)

Plan now to join CMEN celebrating the warm, clothes-free days of summer at the Northern California Mid-Summer Gathering July 21 – 28, 2024, at a secluded 400-acre retreat center in California’s scenic Sierra Foothills east of Auburn.

Full Registration Includes:

  • Six days of all-male, all-nude, summer fun;
  • Accommodations include a choice of semi-private (2-person or 4-person) rooms, bunk cabins, or camping;
  • Large in-ground heated swimming pool;
  • Friendly relaxing atmosphere;
  • All Meals & Snacks;
  • Full Schedule of activities, including workshops, mountain hiking, pool activities, volleyball, pup mosh, themed social hours, evening entertainment, dancing, and parties.

Held at:
Auburn, CA, USA
More information:


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