Mary’s House for Older Adults

Washington, District of Columbia, United States

(Listing updated about 1 year ago.)

Please note: This listing hasn't been updated in over a year. Double-check that its information is still correct, and please let us know if you find changes we should make. Thank you!

Mary’s House for Older Adults is a nonprofit organization that develops brick and mortar housing targeting the cultural and relational needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/same gender loving (LGBTQ/SGL) elders. Our first communal living home will be built in Washington, DC. Our vision is to build a Mary’s House in every ward in the District of Columbia as well as every state and territory in the Union. We know that there is not enough affordable and culturally competent housing available to older adults, especially for LGBTQ/SGL people. Also, we educate on and advocate for issues germane to elders, emphasizing that the lack of housing is a public health issue.


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