Prime Timers Minneapolis/St. Paul

Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States

(Listing updated almost 2 years ago.)

Our chapter was established in 1999. Our first meeting was held at All God’s Children’s-Metropolitan Community Church in August of 1999. The founder of was Wally Threlkeld. Other folks who helped to organize our chapter were:• Randall Toenges
• Bob Greene
• Gene Husca
• Jack Gagnie

Our chapter has been very active from the beginning. Our membership has been stable with 200 members annually. The chapter is guided by our board of directors. The membership holds an annual meeting in November to discuss chapter business and elect members in good standing to serve on the board.

The membership is encouraged to develop various activities and events. We produce a monthly newsletter that details activities for the coming month. We also send out a weekly reminder of upcoming events via e-mail. Sometimes we need to get critical information to our members and that is done via e-mail. We never allow our membership information to be used by others organizations or commercial entities. The safety and privacy of our members is of upmost importance to our chapter.


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