Cafe Intime

Frederiksberg, Denmark

(Listing updated almost 1 year ago.)

Please note: This listing hasn't been updated in over a year. Double-check that its information is still correct, and please let us know if you find changes we should make. Thank you!

The cafe started its spirited life in the early 1920s strongly inspired by the life at Montmartre and Under den Linden. In official papers from that time, Cafe Intime went by the name of the wine restaurant "Intime". Over the past 80 years, many people have been responsible for keeping Cafe Intime's many hearts pounding. Aase Lumbye, Winnie Ravnebjerg Fridorff, Monika Pallesen and Frank Martin are a few. I, Lars Leth, will hold this responsibility for the next, hopefully, many years.

Cafe Intime has always been a free-spirited place - here you can come ascending, descending and even descending with all your specialties, preferences and ideals. However, please remember the happy, cheerful, lively, spacious, entertaining, and perhaps loving atmosphere. Mild melancholy is also present, though only in smaller doses. :-)

For the past several years it has been a tradition that every night there is a pianist at the grand piano - that every Sunday there is jazz with a delicious orchestra and that there are occasional exuberant arrangements with everything from the most delicious musicians, to the most gagged performers who give the gas in the wildest DragShows. It is our intention to hold on to the best and cheerful traditions and to add new ones slowly and with respect to the history of the place.


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