
København, Denmark

(Listing updated about 1 year ago.)

Please note: This listing hasn't been updated in over a year. Double-check that its information is still correct, and please let us know if you find changes we should make. Thank you!

Centralhjørnet is the world's oldest still existing gay bar.

You will find us in the heart of Copenhagen, where we have been since 1917. Centralhjørnet is a 'straight friendly' gay bar.

Welcome to Centralhjørnet - the world's oldest gay bar, where no two days are the same, and the traditions are upheld.

At Centralhjørnet you never know what will happen. Here you meet a mixed audience, both in terms of age and sexuality. There is room for everyone here - Centralhjørnet is a 'straight friendly' gay bar.

During the winter season, from 1 October to 30 April, there is entertainment every Thursday and Sunday on the 'Store scene'. A variety of terrific entertainment is offered here, including includes drag shows, singing girls and Sunday jazz.

Several times a year, it is decorated here for holidays and celebrations under the slogan: "It can never be too much". Christmas, for example, is an orgy of glitter and large balls.

In the summer season, there is plenty of opportunity to enjoy the sun and a cold draft beer or beer at our outdoor tables. The place's central location means that we have a rich visit from tourists.

Throughout the year, every day is a celebration.

See you at the Central Corner.


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