Queen's Head

Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

(Listing updated about 1 year ago.)

Please note: This listing hasn't been updated in over a year. Double-check that its information is still correct, and please let us know if you find changes we should make. Thank you!

Having been a down-to-earth gay hotspot for over two decades, Cafe the Queen’s Head continues to be a bar with a very diverse clientele. Some of our regular guests have been visiting the bar for years, but every day we also have tourists and newcomers enjoying the stunning view over the canals for the first time.

While Cafe the Queen’s Head is a gay bar we welcome guests of every gender, race, sexuality and age. Embracing diversity has been at the heart of the Amsterdam gay scene, and we are very happy and proud to see this diversity in our bar.

We are back to our regular opening hours! Open 7 days a week.

Sunday - Thursday 16:00 till 01:00.

Friday & Saturday 16:00 till 03:00.

Check out our most recent opening hours and events on Facebook & Instagram pages.

Our famous Drag Queen Bingo on Tuesday & other events

Every Tuesday from 20:30 join us at our famous Drag Queen Bingo!

On Thursday's we host the best Queens of Amsterdam from 21:00 till late during our Thursday's Are a Drag show!

And every other Friday it's time for Coby's Cut Karaoke from 22:00 onward.

Check out our EVENTS page for all events and more details.


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